Dangerous goods shipping agent in China for The World
Classification of dangerous goods - Classification system

At present, there are two international systems for the classification of dangerous goods, including dangerous chemicals:
One is the classification principle established by the United Nations Model Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (hereinafter referred to as TDG), which is a traditional and mature classification system for dangerous goods.
The other is to classify chemicals according to the classification principles set out in the United Nations Uniform System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), which is a new classification system developed and deepened in recent years and fully embodies the concepts of safety, health, environmental protection and sustainable development.
Classification of dangerous goods -- Classification in TDG
① Explosives.
② Gases.
③ Flammable Liquids.
④ Flammable solids; A substance prone to nature; A substance that emits. flammable gases in contact with water.
⑤ Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides.
⑥ Toxic and infectious substances.
⑦ Radioactive substances.
⑧ Corrosive substances.
Miscellaneous hazardous substances and articles.
How to transport DG goods internationally
- 1. DG flight
DG flight is an international transportation method launched for DG cargo. When mailing dangerous goods, only DG flight can be selected for transportation.
- 2. Pay attention to the item transportation requirements
The transportation of DG goods is more dangerous, and there are special requirements for packaging, declaration and transportation. It is necessary to understand clearly before mailing.
In addition, due to the special links and handling required for the operation of DG cargo transportation, DG fees, that is, dangerous goods surcharges, are generated.